LiteSpeed Web Server (LSWS)

LiteSpeed Enterprise has 6 different licenses to choose from. Generally, these licenses are divided by how many cores LSWS will have access to, though there are two special, more affordable licenses only available for lower powered VPS machines.

License Type Concurrent Connection Limit RAM Restrictions Recommended for Order License
VPS 500  2GB of RAM or less  VPS with 1 to 6 cores Order
Ultra VPS 800  8GB of RAM or less  VPS with 1 to 6 cores Order
1-CPU Unlimited  None  Servers with 1 to 6 cores Order
2-CPU Unlimited None   Servers with 6 to 16 cores Order
4-CPU Unlimited None   Servers with 16 to 32 cores Order
8-CPU Unlimited None   Servers with 32 to 64 cores Order
CPU Allocation

The number of CPU's in the license description indicates how many LiteSpeed processes will be spawned. VPS and Ultra VPS licenses only spawn 1 process like that of a 1-CPU license. It is not required to match the number of CPU's in the license description to the number of CPU's in the server.

RAM Limit

A VPS server can have any amount of RAM up to the RAM limit for that license type. LSWS will share this RAM with all other processes like normal.

Concurrent Connection Limit

If the Concurrent Connection Limit is reached, extra connections will be queued until there is room within the connection limit.

LiteSpeed Cache (LSCache)

LiteSpeed cache is a cache used in the Litespeed Web Server. LSCache greatly reduces the need to serve dynamic pages, and in return greatly reduce system resource usage. If not already included, caching can be added to a LiteSpeed Enterprise license at any time.

LSCache supports WordPress, Xenforo, Rewrite Rules, and more. It does not support Magento.

LSCache can be added to select licenses, please contact us for further details about LSCache.

This information was provided by LiteSpeed Enterprise. All rights reserved to LiteSpeed Enterprise.
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